Period Sex is SAFE: Top 5 Benefits

Period Sex is SAFE: Top 5 Benefits

Things that are “taboo” but shouldn’t be: Masturbation. 3-day work weeks. Period sex.While we want to tackle all of those things, we’re going to start with the one we’re most familiar with – period sex.For...

Having Sex During Period is _______. What We learned About Periods & Intimacy

Are you concerned that others can smell your period? Well, you're not alone. Like, not even a little. 65% of bleedersshare the same question. Weasked 1,000 people how they feel about datingon their period. How...
Why I Chose PEOPLE over Profits and Lowered Prices

Why I Chose PEOPLE over Profits and Lowered Prices

We believe that everyone should be able to access life-changing period products, and today we made a decision that’s a huge step toward achieving our vision. We are reducing prices for all existing subscribers as...
Choosing Love over Fear

Choosing Love over Fear

I think ‘choosing love over fear’ means to me that you own in your heart who you are, that your individual self knows your identity.”
Understanding Your Fertility

Understanding Your Fertility

It’s about more than just pregnancy— how an at-home testing kit can help you learn more about your body, your period, and your overall health.When you hear the word fertility, you may think of a...
Celebrating 7 Bold, Brave, Badass Women

Celebrating 7 Bold, Brave, Badass Women

We need more than one month tohonor Women’s History Month-a time tocelebratethe progress of women’s rights, but let’s start with talking about some of the women who changed or are changing the way we see...

5 Tips for Talking About FLEX

A simple guide for how to talk to anyone about FLEX. Your Coworker.For decades we’ve been told not to discuss our personal lives with our professional connections. But what do you do when you know...

Blood Clots & Menstruation: What You Can Do About It

Blood ClotsMost high school health classes skip myriad topics, so period blood clots were probably nowhere to be found on your teacher’s lesson plan. The mystery surrounding this phenomenon can make those small, dark clumps...
I Hate Tampons: Top 5 Reasons [and a solution]

I Hate Tampons: Top 5 Reasons [and a solution]

Top 5 Reasons I Hate TamponsI hate tampons. Don’t get me wrong, I hate pads too, but at least they don’t lie to me; tampons lie. From the box of special sizes promising SUPER absorbance...