DR. JANE ANSWERS : I Have Endometriosis. Can I Use Menstrual Discs?

DR. JANE ANSWERS : I Have Endometriosis. Can I Use Menstrual Discs?

People with endometriosis may benefit from switching to FLEX menstrual discs for a variety of reasons.
FLEX ED | Menstrual Discs vs Cups

FLEX ED | Menstrual Discs vs Cups

Menstrual Discs vs. Menstrual CupsCalling a menstrual disc and a menstrual cup the same product would be like equating eyeglasses to contact lenses because both correct your vision. Both cups and discs are menstrual products...

Why Does My Vagina Smell? | Vaginal Odors And What They Could Mean

Fi, fie, fo, fum- is a smell in your vagina making you glum? New smells in your vagina or changes in your discharge are nothing to turn your nose up at- they could be a...

FLEX How-Tos | Pro-Tips For Using Your FLEX Cup

Our article on how to use a menstrual cup for beginners covers all of the basics you need to know when you’re new to the FLEX Cup. Now that you’re no longer a period cup...

FLEX How-Tos | How To Use Your FLEX Cup

Whether you’re completely new to menstrual cups, or just new to the FLEX Cup, we’re here with easy step-by-step instructions and tips for how to use a menstrual cup for beginners.FLEX Cup Basics FLEX Cup...
On Being A Sex Worker

On Being A Sex Worker

WRITTEN BYLydia Bee | PHOTOS BYRiccardo Ulpts Breaking the silence and stigma surrounding “the oldest profession in the world,” Lydia Bee dishes the ins and outs of her work as an escort.I’m in my late...
Women On Wheels | How Bicycles Contributed To Modern Feminism

Women On Wheels | How Bicycles Contributed To Modern Feminism

WRITTEN BY HOLLY CHISHOLM + PHOTOS BY ADRIEN DE BONTIN Today bicycles are a daily part of life, but it wasn’t always like that. Fearless females had to blaze a trail for women to ride...

DR. JANE ANSWERS: When Should I Freeze My Eggs, What's The Optimal Time for Pregnancy & More

WRITTEN BY DR. JANEDo you have questions you never dared to ask your doctor, your parents or your friends? We got you. Here you can learn about your body and the health implications of the...
Jazmine Duke

Let's Talk FEMCON: The Female Condition

Jazmine’s personal experience with feminine health problems inspired her to start #FemCon: “I’ve suffered from yeast infections for as long as I can remember— quietly, I might add. Not talking about them hasn’t done me...